Third World Church Builders, Inc., is to be used of our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus the Christ and with His Holy Spirit to expand His kingdom. We feel led to help new church fellowships have an adequate meeting place, thus encouraging them to function as New Testament churches.
A true church according to our understanding of God’s Word – the Sacred Scriptures known as The Bible, is: a local group of baptized believers banded together to continue the work of their LORD Jesus Christ in this world as led by the Holy Spirit of God our Father. The church is the body of Christ doing what He did when He was on earth.
Five functions of the church are found in the New Testament, always backed up the Old Testament of course: Matthew 28:16-20
1. Worship of our living God. Luke 4:5-8
2. Proclamation of the good news of what our loving Heavenly Father has done and is doing through His Son and His Holy Spirit for the salvation of all people who will believe Him. Believe Him means to trust and obey Him. His Spirit of love and grace takes the initiative to touch our hearts, helping us turn from sin and believe Him. The new members are baptized in water to show their salvation experience.
3. Teaching the believing, born again members of the church to obey all things that He commands us in His Word our Bible.
4. Fellowship – Meeting, praying, working, eating together to encourage one another in His service. Acts. 2:42; Hebrews 10:24-25.
5. Serving our brothers in Christ and people in the world who need help. All people, rich or poor, need help. Their most important need is to know our loving Heavenly Father – Creator and to walk humbly with Him. Mark 10:42-45
Job Description for Board Members of
Third World Church Builders, Inc.
The job description for Board Members is to:
1. Pray for God’s leadership for this ministry.
2. Participate in the discussions of future projects.
3. Serve as consultant to the chairman of the ministry.
4. Support and encourage the overall operation of this Tax-exempt 501 C3 Ministry Corporation, including appropriate computer technology.
Policies of Third World Church Builders, Inc.
1. Give priority to requests from new congregations.
2. Give priority to congregations who have no building at all.
3. Require that the requesting church have a deed to the property in the name of a legally recognized stable Church or Association or Convention
4. Be sensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit as all requests, needs and opportunities are considered.
Purpose of Ministry
Third World Church Builders
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